
Period of Cystic Pain

8th June 2013

I used a three wheel walking aid (provided by the NHS) when shopping at Burgess Hill and the immediate result was that I am suffering with constant pain with only partial relief when sitting with a heat pad around my back. Placing my left foot to the ground and attempting to walk causes great pain. My Doctor said that it was due to sciatica and ware and tear  prescribes the same routine that I use for arthritis; diclofenac gel and paracetamol. This offers no relief. I am a cripple as a result. Unable to take but a few steps before experiencing intense pain. Other pain killers have side effects including constipation which I must avoid because I suffer from diverticular problems.

The alternatives are physiotherapy exercises and/or a routine of stronger medicines plus laxatives. I wish to help with both of these from the NHS but appointments take time and I may have to ask Benenden Hospital for funds to see someone privately. There are pain clinics, one of which is in Hove.

11th october

May spoke to my doctor who prescribed  100 mg gabpentin tablets. One a day first day 2 a day second and 3 a day third day and to continue with three a day. But to continue using Voltarol and paracetamol.

12th June

Pain continued as before day and night. Sleep impossible without sleeping dose.

13th June

No change n the pain experienced.  2 gabpentin taken.

15th June

This is the second day  of taking 3 gabentin pills and one of many others at this dosage. If any thing things are getting worse rather than better. Early this morning I went into the toilet and the found it extremely difficult to get up from the toilet bowl. I could not straiten my knees so I stumbled along in a kind of crouching position at any moment I would fall  further to the floor. A very frightening experience. particularly as May was in bed upstairs and I had not gotten my mobile (I had n0 pockets) to call for help. The pain in my leg and thigh continues to be as painful despite frequent use of Voltarol and paracetamol.

Thoughts of the day!

The gabentin, Voltarol and paracetamol routine is having little effect upon pain which (as I explained on the 8th) dates back to the incorrect use of a three wheel walking aid. On doctors order I am no longer doing my morning exercises which were prescribed and practiced a number of years ago when I had severe back pain. Those exercises together with hot shower on the back proved to stop back pain! It seems to suggest the what one should do is to continue with that routine under guidance of physiotherapist.

17th June

There had been no improvement today until I decided throw caution aside and revert to the back and knee exercises (and one or two others) that I been doing prior to the onset of leg pain. I found that the pain was eased and I could walk for a short while. I propose to continue them and increase the frequency Plus TENS machine. To continue Voltaire, gabapentin and paracetamol.

18th June

Continuing with the exercise and tense routine and meds. Again walk for a short while. Thinking positive.

19th June

Today seems to have been a repeat of 8th June. Except at Worthing instead of Burgess Hill. Once again the pain in my left appears to have been aggravated  by using the three wheeler walking aid

22nd June

The last 4 days have been the case of trial and error. As the then current pills were doing nothing to ease the pain I made a call to Dr Rogers who prescribed Amitriptyline in  addition to all the previous ones (take one at night). I decided that  if my usual  doses of  Ucerax provided Amitriptylinegh provided enough  sleep, not to take theAmitriptyline    It did not and I awoke in the early hours in pain so I took one of the new ones. This meant that when I got up I was sleepy and drowsy.

The following night (last night) I took Amitriptyline first and Ucerax when I woke in the early hours. This proved to be satisfactory and I will follow this routine in future.

23 June

Woke up feeling bright, the sun was here and my pains (at least before walking far) were no longer there.

October 2013

The Wibbly wobblies

A couple of years ago I saw my GP and he told me he suspected Parkinson disease and arranged that I saw a consultant. I little or no knowledge about it except that my Sister Barbara had it and had fallen. I had rang her and she did not want to see me because she had fallen. She seemed anxious for me not to visit her. I can now understand why!
When I visted the neurology consultant he asked me to walk up and down the corridor. I did this at some pace but he detected that I wandered to the left. And agreed that it was Parkinsons.
Since that time the unsteadiness has progressed. I had a fall at the bottom of steps in the garden but this was due to the collapse of the handrail. Brusing of my left leg from toes to knee have served to increase my problem with walking and I now use a three wheeler walking aid both at home and outside. In shops I use the shopping trolley for support.
I am experimenting with using a 4 wheel walking aid with a seat when in the front garden (we happened to have one in the garage previously purchased for May’s Mother. I find it is more stable across the grass lawn.
As for the futier I am not looking forward to any great improvement. However I am reading Michael J Fox book “Always looking up” and if he could live, act and direct for many years before retiring I should do that “look up”.
Hernia and Diverticular problem.
I have a hernia and wear a Truss which is troublesome as is a diverticular problem causing flatulence and constipation. I have made one trip to the Benenden Hospital and must make another before I have an operation for the hernia.

7th October 2013
A lovely day today so I took advantage of a warm sun and I cut the front lawn. My wobbliness not quite so severe and I made use of both the three Wheeler walking aid and also four wheeler. Leaving one in front of the garage and the other where I was working. May had taken the car to Asda so it was not in the way as was usual so I cut the lawn in strips from the drive towards the hedge. It actually gave me a deal of confidence so I now feel fulfilled. I cannot explain how much this “fullfillment” means to me.

I am aware that unstableness will continue and most likely worsen. However, I am aware that is not so much the muscle, as the brain, that I would conjecture that my attitude toward illness is important. As Michael J fox entitled his book ” always looking up”!

8th October 2013
Today being warm and sunny enabled me to cut some two thirds of my back lawn. Had I been able to use the 4 wheel waling and sitting aid I could have rested and carry on.

13th October 2013
We have been enjoying several days of sunny weather but today has been raining off and on all day. I was able to walk both on Wednesday at Worthing and Thursday at Burgess Hill (with the aid of the walking aid). On Friday John came and installed electric outlets in the Hall and the Porch.

!7th October
The last few days have not been quite so fine. A lot of rain and less warm. How I have felt has been a refection of that. I have needed to ensure that I used the walking stick ans 3 wheel walking aid to get around or if in shops to use a shopping trolley as a walking aid. Yesterday we bought some more Christmas presents for the Great Grand Children. May makes sure they are all catered for.

21st October
It is rather unpleasant weather at this time and we had a great deal of rain yesterday. This has rather hampered doing something outside the home. I have had plenty of sleep during the night. I believe this is due to colour blue light which is a computer program which shines blue light on the ceiling.
My parkinsons problem has not progressed any further beyond a need to carry my stick in case I do a wobbly! And trembling in my left leg becomes apparent when I get tired so I sometimes feel that I should have a siesta during the afternoon. In fact, it doe seem to work.
We are expecting Rodger can come today and he will mend some of the handrails in the garden. He is expected to stay for several days.

26th October 2013
We received a skype call from John, Roger and Norman this morning. As far as I could recall I had not met Norman before but he said we did at my parents home. He spoke highly of Dad and of his love of the garden. Norman shares this and also enjoys walking and belongs to a rambling club: as I once did.

13th november
Quite an evening. With 18 members of the family present for the lighting of the bonfire and watch the fireworks. A wide selection ages from three years older. A good time was had by all. Mark made himself responsible for the bonfire and spent several hours ensuring that all the years garden waste was burnt with the assistance of Dan and Simon. Don’t have taken over the responsibility of keeping everyone in touch before the event was expecting to be able to go round the corner collecting fish and chips only to find that they would not open. Luckily May have prepared soup which they all enjoyed.

17th November

This is a copy of the email I was hoping to the Benenden Hospital Trust but I was unable to find the address:

“I have an appointment at Benenden Hospital for the 22nd November for a hernia operation for which I unfortunately, will probably not be able to attend.

I must explain the circumstances for this: despite having attended previously to see the surgeon and also attened for asessment. I am 86 years old and disabled, including Parkinsons.
Each visit was a round journey of 100 miles. I can no longer drive so my disabled wife who is well into her seventies has driven me, although it means that we have had to stay in a downstairs room
in the Lodge. I am unable to climb stairs.

Circumstances have changed since then. The Weather forcast for 22nd is for 6″ of snow. My Wife is subject to chest problems and currently has a severe infection causing a lot of coughing. Each of which makes it very dangerous for us to attemped the journey.”

During the coming Winter the prospects would not be any better for the journey. We had hoped that the operation could have been sooner but having to make three separate apointments has caused a great deal of delay.

In these circumstances I wish you to consider to enable me have the operation locally.

I hold a great deal of respect for Benenden Hospital and had the very best of treatment over the 60 years of my contribution.

21st January 2014

My appeal was successful and I am having the operation at the local Nuffield Hospital on Thursday. I had an appointment this morning with Dr Kahn and I was able to point out that I was no longer using a stick; thanks to the pills he has prescribed.

Notes for Dr Ireland 20/11/2014 re bowls

Despite having enhanced MRI scans and bowl, colon and bladder inspections all proving clear of any problems.That being so I am still concerned that my stools contain no solids. The photograph shows the result of explosion of dark evil and smelling result. It often happens before I can reach the toilet pan.

There has been the suggestion that this is a diverticular problem. However, I  have suffered with the diverticular problem for a number of years and with a suitable diet it has not been a problem.

Having seen dr ireland we were impressed with his approach to this problem. He must have dictated a letter to dr howard soon after the meeting because i received a copy of the letter you sent to dr howard on the 24th . In it he says that he is going to chase up nhs records and has asked me to provide 3 stool test. He said yes that i should increase use of imodium and suggest that it might possibly be a pancreatic problems .

Subsequently he carried out an internal scan but could not see problem. He took a biopsy and I await the result.

june 6th 2015 aged 88

The result was colitis and he prescribed steroids. After taking those for a couple of months decided to holiday in Spain for 2 weeks.

16 Aug 2015

Now taking one a day of Steroid this will continue as suggested by Dr Ireland. Good results and hope to go to Madeira in November.

Parkinsons  is still very much a problem. Shaking is of great concern both in bed and sitting down. Get some help by walking. Beildopa has been prescribed and I have been increasing the dose so now I take 100 gr per day (4 times @ 25gr.

2nd April 2016

I used the hose pipe to fill the water but on the rear patio . With the hose in hand and the handrail with other down a slope I fell. May was unable to help me  up and she was obliged to seek the help of Tomy, A very strong gentle man,Tomy picked me up and sat on the seat of my walking aid and carried it and myself  up the slope, threw the kitchen into the living room. A strong person indeed! He left to play squash! Remenison:I did that. tennis and squash 10 years ago.

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